Call For Abstracts and Papers: Fourth National Legal Aid Conference on Access to Justice


Egerton University’s Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project (FOLLAP) is creating the Fourth National Conference on Access to Justice on the theme “Climate Change and Environmental Justice”.  The conference will be held in Nakuru County from 22nd - 26th October 2024. Indeed, the planetary crises of climate change is directly and indirectly impacting human rights globally. These crises undermine the enjoyment and protection of human rights and exacerbate environmental injustices, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable, marginalized, and excluded people and communities; they also act as threat multipliers, amplifying conflicts, tensions, and structural inequalities that negatively impact access to justice. There are as many stakeholders involved as there are challenges and successes in addressing climate change and environmental justice. The idea is to tap into these and present authentic work that can help in mitigation and policy reforms in the sectors.

The National Legal Aid Conference by FOLLAP provides an opportunity for stakeholders to share experiences and mechanisms of addressing climate change and environmental justice for the poor and marginalized in the context of planetary crises. 

The Conference focuses on the following thematic areas:

  • Facilitators and impediments to climate change and environmental justice.
  • Government and environmental justice
  • Financial institutions and regulators in climate change and environmental
  • Judiciary, climate change and environmental justice.
  • Science technology and innovation and development nexus in the context of climate change and environmental justice.
  • Gender, inclusion, climate change and environmental justice
  •  Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience in climate change law and policy
  • Climate change, biodiversity and food security and justice systems as broad theme with the following sub-theme: Climate change and the right to food: legal protection for the most vulnerable; Genetically modified foods, climate change and food security: Legal and ethical implications; Climate change and impacts on Agricultural law and policy,
  • Climate change and land rights
  • Best practices addressing climate change and environmental justice.


  • Indicate the subtopic you are responding to.
  • Author (s) name (s); institution of affiliation, Email address; and Tel / Cell Number.
  • Include a brief bio of the author (s) not exceeding 90 words.
  • Collaboration among multiple authors, colleagues and other scholars is encouraged with the consent of all co-authors.
  • The academic article should be 8,000 words. Times New Roman Font 12; spacing 1.5, Referencing guide is strictly OSCOLA.
  • Academic Papers abstracts should not exceed 350 words.
  • Keywords below the abstract; in alphabetical order
  • A proposal (not more than 1 page) for exhibitions and poster concepts
  • Submitted abstracts and proposals should be forward-thinking and not merely explore an issue without any depth of analysis.
  • All submissions should be done online through OR sent by email to and copied to


Deadline for Abstracts submission: July 30, 2024

Deadline for Full Paper Submission: September 15, 2024

Conference Dates: October 22–26, 2024


Conference Links:

For detailed information, visit: